Practicing in five core creative mediums (games, animation/film, music, writing, and illustration), and discovering how the digital world can be used to build them. Have also gone by LDAF (Layering Designed Abstract Forms).

Age 29, Male


Northern Vermont University


Joined on 3/8/09

Exp Points:
16,250 / 16,890
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.00 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
10y 6m 5d

Intrapath's News

Posted by Intrapath - June 30th, 2010

Hi, I was going through my closet and I need some money, when I found a box of my old Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I haven't touched the things in years, and I'm not sure if they have any value. I really don't remember a lot about them, I have a couple of the ultra rare ones from the early elemental hero period, and the mecha dragon period. Would anybody here be able to tell me a good place to sell them?

EDIT: Thanks for your help guys! I know some good places to sell them now. :)

Posted by Intrapath - May 2nd, 2010

Hey! Hm, first time in the Artist News & Updates section, cool. Anyway, I finally have a first submission for each portal. I had the Audio song (Technical Difficulties) and the Art piece (Cosmic front) done for a while, I just wanted to have a flash as my first submission. Anyway, I have a lot of stuff planned! I'm about to start a movie for Clock Day, named "Clock Crew- A King's Journey", a completely exaggerated movie about the early days of Strawberry Clock and his struggles. After that, for Madness Day, the movie "Madness Alteration". It'll be a big movie, I'm gonna have all the characters pitted against each other in a completely mad struggle for each of their desires. After that, since I am currently studying Actionscript 3.0, I'm gonna use every little trick I learned in AS3 to make a little gadget, the best title I have for now is "City Sculptor", but I'll probably have something better later. It'll be a sandbox game, where the player will first choose an environment: Sand, snow, or custom (in custom they will be able draw their own background and save it). After that, they will be able to choose a small, medium, or large city (or, again, custom, where they will be able to choose their size). Then, they will be able to build their city from a set of preset buildings (if they chose the sand area first, they'll get sand-colored buildings, or if they chose the snow, they'll get snow buildings), or draw their own with a custom building tool, where the player will be able to draw their building using a rectangle, oval, and freehand drawing tool. After they are happy with their city, they'll be able to save it, or demolish it with editable settings. These editable settings include how hot or cold it is, which will affect the buildings, or make a drought or torrential rains, etc. After I'm done with that (probably will take a while) I'll get back to working on my very first flash game, "Master Maestro" (my God, what a crappy title. Better make a new one before I finish that). It was just a simple rhythm game with a couple of NG songs, just a little simple project, being one of those games people play when they're bored. So after that, I'll get to work major time on "Project D.O.J.". It's a secret project, I don't want to say anything about it yet, but I am going to spend a lot of hard work on it, it really means a lot to me. It'll be due December 21, 2012, so that goes to show I plan to spend a long time on it. So what about now? Well, I'm glad you asked (if you didn't leave, I wouldn't blame you, just look at this text wall). I have a little plan to upload one item for every single genre for Flash movies, games, Audio Portal songs, and Art Portal pieces. That's 15 flash games, 6 movies, 30 songs, and 18 art pieces, equaling out to... 69 submissions. Why do I have a feeling the staff set up that number specifically? Anyway, that means the Clock Day submission is next, then a song for the Audio Portal (it's already done, it's a classic song, using just the piano, it's a sad song), and an art piece for the Art Portal (OH SNAPPLEASAURUS REX!). Alright, the Snappleasuarus is an inside joke with my friends. Ya know how when something goes wrong, a person sometimes tend to say "OH SNAP"? Well, I'm the one who really likes to doodle with my friends, so one day, I just ended up going back and forth with them, "OH SNAPPLEASAURUS REX" came out of my mouth, and we decided to draw up a sketch. It's a dinosaur made out of Snapple bottles, and breathes snapple bottles instead of fire like a dragon. Kudos if you read all this. Here's a cookie:

Future projects!

Posted by Intrapath - April 30th, 2010

Happy Pico Day! Andy70707 and I were unable to complete Pico's Mission in time, so we decided to upload a trailer instead! Please go check it out, and leave feedback! I'd really like to know how to improve for the final game. Thanks!

Posted by Intrapath - March 19th, 2010

...because the old one is obsolete. I found a programmer for my Pico game, "Pico's Mission!", Andy70707. I've checked out his stuff, and he seems like a great programmer. Frostbite and White Fang is still in production.

Posted by Intrapath - January 26th, 2010

Hi! I am looking for a programmer for a project I have recently started, Pico's Mission. I hope to have it out on Pico Day 2010. This isn't a very large game, but it is still bigger than Pico's School. If you had to compare, you could say it's "Pico 1.5". Yes, the backgrounds do need work, they are placeholders. I am nearly complete with the first cutscene, it just needs some finishing touches. By the way, below is a screenshot. I was thinking of finishing the graphics first and then looking for a programmer, but it would probably be a better idea to work alongside the programmer instead of a whole bunch of "hurry up and wait." I am using Flash CS4, but if you are using anything earlier than CS3, I would have no trouble converting the files for you. I can estimate it would have about 30 "rooms", with 5 worlds, 6 "rooms" each. I am saying rooms as they are very small sections than you can walk across, but you just scroll to the next area upon hitting the each, such as in Pico's School. Since Pico Day is somewhat close, it would be nice if you had experience with this sort of project, and were a relatively quick programmer, but no major rush. You can contact me here on Newgrounds, or by email, at LDAF@ymail.com. If you have Yahoo! Messenger or AIM, feel free to contact me. Thank you, and please remind me if I left out any crucial details.

Pico's Mission: programmer wanted!

Posted by Intrapath - November 6th, 2009

Well, here's another update for Frostbite and White Fang, a collaberation flash game between Warchimp and I. The release date is unknown, but if I had to estimate, I would say some time in December, perhaps. The alpha version of the game should be complete November 10, so we could look at the base engine, keep what we want, remove what we hate, tweak it, etc. Frostbite & White Fang will have 2 playable characters, 4 levels, and 2 bosses. We also plan to have a level editor, one of the major features of the game. Below is what the main menu will look like. In other news, these are the release dates for the flash projects I am currently working on, for those interested. The last project is still in the sketching stage, so I most likely won't have any screenshots for it until next year, since I will be busy with the projects coming out in the following year.

Frostbite & White Fang:
flash game
release date TBD

Pico's Mission:
flash game
release date: April 30, 2010

Clock Crew: A King's Journey:
flash movie
release date: August 15, 2010

Madness Alteration:
flash movie
release date: September 22, 2010

Project D.O.J.
flash movie
release date: December 22, 2012

I can't think of anything else to state right now. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below.

Frostbite & White Fang: Another update

Posted by Intrapath - October 16th, 2009

Well, final Audio Portal spotlight, thought about quitting, but thought I should just finish up what I started. If you haven't already, please go read and comment on my Waterflame and Cheshyre Audio Portal spotlights. Anyway, starting on the next: Paragon X9. Paragon X9 is one of the most popular artists in the Audio Portal, with some of her tracks being featured in over 50 flash submissions! ParagonX9 is best known for her Drum N' Bass songs, such as Chaoz Survivor and Chaoz Impact. The Chaoz series seems to represent a more powerful, fast paced branch-off of her regular tracks. ParagonX9 has been making tracks for years now, and will most likely continue. Thanks for reading! By the way, Frostbite & White Fang is still under production, but with a new programmer. The new programmer is WarChimp. I hope to include a level editor (I've messaged WarChimp about this, but he is currently on vacation).

Audio Portal spotlight: ParagonX9

Posted by Intrapath - September 6th, 2009

Well, nobody seemed to read the last Audio Portal spotlight, but I don't really mind, I have a lot of fun writing these out, so whatever. So the second Audio Portal artist I'd like to showcase is Cheshyre. If I had to sum up all his music in one sentence... "If insanity was a song, Cheshyre wrote it". Yup, that's a good summarization. Known for his Techno songs (because, well, that's the only type of song he writes, but I'm not complaining), Cheshyre holds a strong power in the Audio Portal. He first showcased his talent by showing his Techno music in Madness Combat 4, and became known as "That guy who makes the music for Madness". He proves he can vary his talents to a fast past techno song of chaos known as Madness7 (Madness7) to the slower, more powerful MC9 (MC9). Thanks for reading! The last Audio Portal spotlight will be a surprise. If you haven't already, why don't you go read and comment in the previous Audio Portal spotlight, Waterflame? Again, thanks for reading!

Audio Portal spotlight- Cheshyre

Posted by Intrapath - August 28th, 2009

Hi, and welcome to the first Audio Portal spotlight! These will be in a trilogy. The Audio Portal spotlight is meant to help point out some of the very best in the Audio Portal, and raise popularity for it, since, quite frankly, the Audio Portal is underated. The average flash about 600-1000 views upon leaving the latest 50 in the flash portal. The average audio submission has about 50 after leaving the latest 30, so it's obvious not enough people go to the Audio Portal. Anyway, the first artist I will focus on is Waterflame. He is easily considered to be the "King of the Audio Portal". His tracks dominate the highest ranks, and for good reason. Waterflame usually makes Drum & Bass and Techno songs, but he makes other songs every once in a while. He has great musical range, seeing he can make a song as happy as Orange , or the darker and more intense Dark Dreams . Waterflame's first track came out in 2004, and has no signs of stopping making great tracks. That's all for this AP spotlight. Next up, Cheshyre. Thanks for reading!

Audio Portal spotlight- Waterflame

Posted by Intrapath - August 15th, 2009

Hi, as can be seen from my previous news post, FlashStorm and I are working on a flash game titled Frostbite & White Fang. It takes place in a variety of locations from the arctic to a menacing factory. Frostbite & White Fang is set to release Sept. 10. It will be a platformer with simple controls, WASD keys to move, O to attack(only one character can attack, Frostbite; White Fang cannot attack. He makes up for this by being faster than Frostbite). There will be two playable characters, Frostbite and White Fang. Here is another screenshot. The game is approx. 75% done.

notes: No, the background isn't white, it's just the portion you see of what's really a bigger backdrop. And several graphics are subject to change.

Frostbite & White Fang update