Hi, as can be seen from my previous news post, FlashStorm and I are working on a flash game titled Frostbite & White Fang. It takes place in a variety of locations from the arctic to a menacing factory. Frostbite & White Fang is set to release Sept. 10. It will be a platformer with simple controls, WASD keys to move, O to attack(only one character can attack, Frostbite; White Fang cannot attack. He makes up for this by being faster than Frostbite). There will be two playable characters, Frostbite and White Fang. Here is another screenshot. The game is approx. 75% done.
notes: No, the background isn't white, it's just the portion you see of what's really a bigger backdrop. And several graphics are subject to change.
YAYZ!.....A third time! :3
Yay :3